My Father’s Movie Theater, Ft. Lauderdale 2012

My Father’s Movie Theater, Ft. Lauderdale 2012

While living in Tallahassee, the local theater that offered current arty films like Cave of Discovery, The King’s Speech, and Beginners was forced to close down when someone stole all the copper wiring off the roof. It was depressing for all of us who enjoy films that are not blockbusters but actually have something to say. Despite the capitol city’s universities, the profit ratio of this kind of venue in a southern town has always been touch-and-go. Its closing made me miss my old movie theater in Ft. Lauderdale that offered similar films. Thankfully, the Gateway Theater’s urban market isn’t going anywhere, and I again appreciated what South Florida has to offer. I then remembered that it was also my father’s movie theater—his “MovieCo” back in the day. Daddy watched From Here To Eternity there, and I have to admit I am jealous about that. He was in high school then — an era when smoking was allowed and the seating was segregated. We both have different memories of the place, but we both know within its interior good stories lie.

Small: 12” x 8” – $100.00 | Medium: 36” x 24” – $240.00 | Large: 32” x 48” – $430.00