“The Jiffy with Manatees!” Homossassa Springs, 2011

“The Jiffy with Manatees!” Homossassa Springs, 2011

When we were little kids we loved to visit relatives and family friends in enchanting places like Cedar Key where you were allowed to walk to the convenience store all by yourself — without a grown up. It seemed like everyone in town knew who you belonged to, and because of that, children were allowed the exhilarating feeling of walking their dimes and quarters there to buy candy from the bottom shelves. These stores have different names, but I am partial to stories that begin with “So and so told me up at The Jiffy that…” Everyone goes there, and these modern-day General Stores somehow seem to keep everyone connected.

Small: 13” x 8” – $100.00 | Medium: 26” x 16” – $200.00 | Large: 52” x 32” – $465.00