“Encore Performance,” Tallahassee 2011

“Encore Performance,” Tallahassee 2011

This tree is located at the entrance to Mr. Maclay’s elaborate garden, protected in Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park, and continuously begs the question, “Why do we like to watch the foliage change?” I believe homo sapiens have always been bedazzled by the annual spectacle, but it’s funny that “Watching the Leaves” trips are now a vacation getaway for all my friends in South Florida. It seems to be a new thing in the last decade or so. Granted, we don’t have an autumn season in the semi-tropics, but it’s a popular vacation venue nationally. Why? Is it the drama of the woods and the photographic opportunities? Or is it that our perspectives are changing and we find a sort of new-aged peace in celebrating Mother Nature’s performance of “Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”

Small: 6.5” x 9” – $100.00 | Medium: 22” x 36” – $360.00 | Large: 33” x 54” – $500.00