The Everglades are a nutrient poor system, and in areas like this where the water quality of the historic River of Grass is still healthy, Mother Nature’s palette employs only the calmest of earthy hues. Of course the clouds provide more drama than the eye can handle. They complement the water-colored world of seemingly translucent colors as they dance collectively in the shallow waters. When you’re there in a fast airboat, the sawgrass prairie seems to go on and on forever — like some interstate through Kansas. Any change in the scenery can be seen from miles away — even a simple swamp lily (Crinum americanum) blooming all on its own in the middle of seemingly nowhere.
Small 12” x 18” – $160.00 | Medium: 24” x 36” – $240.00 | Large: 39” x 58.5” – $635.00