There’s a whole culture of folks who frequent interstates and the Florida Turnpike, coming and going through the long peninsula. They’re coming for the winter, taking the kids to Orlando, or heading for our world-class beaches. Beyond their eventual destination in the Sunshine State, interstate exits like this are all these people really know about our remarkable homeland. Natives in general are a little defensive about how everyone in the world thinks Floridians are either nut jobs or rubes, and I have to admit, I used to be particularly sensitive about these kinds of hokey pit stops. But then I had to remind myself that Floridians aren’t the kind of people who would be caught dead buying this kind of crap. Now I ask you, who’s really the nut job here — the Cracker selling this stuff or the tourist buying it?
Small: 9.75” x 7.5” – $100.00 | Medium: 19.5 x 15 – $200.00 | Large: 48.75” x 37.5” – $510.00