“Cathedral of the Palms,” St Marks National Wildlife Refuge, 2011

Slender, pale trunks of the palms clutter the trail in the Cathedral of the Palms, begging you to look up. Once you do, you see the cathedral. No stained glass window can relay the divinity these palms readily celebrate. Walking amongst them, you cannot speak. All you want to do is find your family’s pew and sit down so you can look up and into the light where the canopy of the ancient palms are intermingled with a few pine trees. Here, the heavens make you gasp. The life of the everlasting is evident. “You know, you can say it backwards,” I heard Mary Poppins reminding me the first time I was there, “but ‘dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirepus’ is going a bit too far, don’t you think?”

Small: 8” x 10” – $140.00 | Medium: 16” x 20” – $200 | Large: 39” x 49.5” – $450.00