“Be Careful Where You Point That Thing,” Anna Maria Island, 2012

“Be Careful Where You Point That Thing,” Anna Maria Island, 2012

Under the shady beach umbrella, with an umbrella in my frozen cocktail, “this” was obstructing my view of the Gulf of Mexico. For the first ten minutes I couldn’t quit smirking. But eventually I realized with a big huge smile: “There but for the Grace of God go I.” I mean there she was with her mom, husband, and son, on a glorious Memorial Day weekend, making a sand castle. She was, after all, authentically participating in her moment. I fell asleep listening to the waves thinking, “You go, girl!

Small: 15.75” x 10” – $140.00 | Medium: 31.5” x 20” – $176.00 | Large: 47.25” x 30”- $395.00