In addition to sheltering tony beach houses, fashionable restaurants, and one of the best locally owned book stores in the state, Sanibel Island is also home to the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. This portion of the island was spared from development thanks to a Pulitzer Prize winning political cartoonist who blocked the sale of this environmentally valuable land from developers in 1945. Jay Norwood “Ding” Darling was also instrumental in convincing President Harry S. Truman to create the National Wildlife Refuge that now protects the island’s incredible mangrove forests, submerged seagrass beds, cordgrass marshes, and West Indian hardwood hammocks, while providing refuge to some 220 types of birds. It’s a good thing these resources are protected, since The Wall Street Journal named Sanibel Island one of the “10 Best Places for Second Homes” in 2010. Roughly the size of the island of Manhattan, Sanibel’s birds and seashells are beyond compare. So are its sunsets.
Small: 8” x 12” – $100.00 | Medium: 36” x 24”- $240.00 | Large: 48” x 32” – $430.00