Big Don, The Scalloping Pirate,” off Steinhatchee 2009

Big Don, The Scalloping Pirate,” off Steinhatchee 2009

Even though the scalloping trip my family organizes every single year can be pretty competitive, it’s something both our young and old enjoy, and our days on the water are truly a refreshing excursion we all look forward to. I am from a family of cooks and foodies and we love Florida’s small but “perky sweet” Gulf scallops. We do! That is the only reason we all get so competitive about who can harvest the most bivalves from the Nature Coast’s aquatic grasslands. It is! (So don’t bring how competitive we are when playing Scrabble into the argument.) The scalloping-to-the-death ritual is simply because we like to eat them. That’s the only reason we keep tabs on who collected the most scallops and as a reward doesn’t have to pay for any of the evening’s libations—whether they be alcoholic or involve a movie rental. Usually it’s the kids with floaties that historically out maneuver the grown-ups (I remember well when I could win), but in 2009 Big Don was in the lead. I think he would look best hanging in some glamorous hotel near the elevators. This is Florida!

Small: 8” x 12”- $100.00 | Medium: 16” x 24” – $120.00 | Large: 36” x 48” – $480.00